Service at Intergroup

AA is an organisation that is operated by it’s members, who do this as an act of service, without payment.  Without members doing Service, there would be no Alcoholics Anonymous.
In each AA meeting it is the regular (home group) members who undertake the roles of Secretary, Treasurer, General Service Representative (GSR), Literature Organiser and the most important post of Tea Maker without whom we would all be lost. There are similar roles to fill at Intergroup and it is to that same membership that we look for personnel.
AA undertakes Public Information initiatives into the community to make our presence known so that when somebody needs us they know how to get in contact.  This is done in relation to Hosptals, Treatment Centres, Employers,  Armed Forces, Prisons/Probation and Schools.
Service can be undertaken at the level of the local meeting and/or at Intergroup. 
Intergroup is always in need of members to work through the collective tasks that are required to make Alcoholics Anonymous visible within the geographical area that we serve.
If you feel you have something to offer and would like to get a service position, speak to your GSR or come along to an Intergroup meeting which are held quarterly.