Help for the Problem Drinker in the Workplace
“Why do Employers Care?”
- Duty of Care
- Health and Safety
- The bottom line – alcoholism costs money
Absenteeism from work through alcohol misuse costs the economy about £1.5bn pa
Source: IAS Factsheet
Alcoholics Anonymous – Chapter 10 – To Employers (click here to download)
Page 148:
“No man should be fired just because he is alcoholic. If he wants to stop, he should be afforded a real chance.”
Alcoholics Anonymous Employment Video:
AA welcomes any opportunity to:
- Meet with any employer to discuss ways in which AA can co-operate;
- Conduct meetings and presentations to explain the AA programme of recovery;
- Take employees with a drinking problem to AA meetings.
Awareness of Alcoholics Anonymous – Who we are / What we do / Why we do it
You may soon receive, or have received, a letter offering our services to your Company and including hard copies of various leaflets and posters; this and other informative literature is available for you to download free:
- Alcoholics Anonymous as a Resource for Employers
- A Message for Professionals
- AA at a glance
- When drink stops working
- By clicking on any of the posters you will open a PDF version which can then be downloaded.
This is only a brief introduction to the resources and help available from AA locally. If you would like further information or wish to ask anything please use the form below. We shall reply as soon as we can in the strictest confidence.
Enquiry Form
Employment Liaison Officer